Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Inaugual Entry

Welcome to my Library Blog! The very fact that your curiosity led you to this forgotten corner of the internet gives me a tiny ray of sunshine to my heart. I'll try not to be excessively boring.

To tell you the truth, I'm not sure what I intend to use this blog as. Maybe it will be a catalog of the library adventures of one of the most amazing schools I've ever had the pleasure of setting foot within. Maybe it can be a platform to defend equity of knowledge for all who seek it. Or maybe it'll end up being a stream of consciousness and non sequiturs. Only time will tell, I suppose.

So as I break ground with this blog (which I hope will grow to be greater than a simple echo chamber), I would encourage you, dear reader, to not only follow allong on this long and winding road with me, but to journal some of your own travels as well. I can promise you that everyone looks back with some fondness and nostalgia at their own writings. Even at their most inane.


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